Higgs Boson: Physicists See Best Proof Yet of 'The God Particle'
I was following the news about the announcement of the Higgs-Boson particle, not just because it’s called the “God Particle” (although that is kinda cool) but because I try to keep up with science’s search for the truth, believing it parallel’s theology’s search for the truth. And even though I know that Jesus is the “way, the truth and the life;” I also know he himself asked: “What is truth?”
[wait, this is getting a little preachy, isn’t it?! must be sabbatical’s fault]
So I was following the Higgs-Boson announcement on twitter/ Internet/ TV/ newspapers and found this quote:

Did I read that right? 96%? Hidden? They think we’ve only discovered 4% so far?
And I love that phrase, ‘hidden from view.’ It makes me think of the world I live in as both mysterious and yet ascertainable… as if all we have to do is KEEP LOOKING! Look closer. Look longer. Keep looking!
Holy moly, time’s a-wastin’! Let’s get going, people, there is so much to discover. We’ve hardly scratched the surface.
And here I thought I knew just about everything.
Leon Lederman, who wrote the book that coined the phrase "God Particle", originally intended to call it the "God-dxxm Particle" expressing a bit the frustration at how little is really known about the universe. Naturally, the publisher rejected that title.